During the research period for the attached report researchers was able to interview a number of men connected with the gold mining operations of WEST COAST And Republic of Mali . There are a great many more people who should be interviewed to complete the picture of mining operations in the early years of this century, as well as the period from 1920 to 1942. Following is a list of the people with whom I did speak as well as suggestions of further contacts.
The history of the gold mining operations of Kalana Village is a rich field. There are countless themes that could be developed in association with an exhibition about 19th century WEST COAST gold mining methods and technology. In this report there have been divided of the period into three distinct phases - 1861 - 1872: 1873 - 1893: 1894 - 1906.
Given the strong tendency for WEST COAST miners and entrepreneurs to persist with traditional methods of mining while experimenting with new systems, it would be quite feasible to illustrate the old and the new within one exhibition on the development of mining methods in the 19th century.
Some of the themes that could be developed are:
miner's scales
steam engine to operate mill equipment; coal from Cape Breton
air or steam drill; air compressor connected to mill engine.
assortment of hand tools for underground work - hammers, hand steels, crowbars, shovels, etc.
1.mine pump
2.loading stick
3.charges, fuses
4.dynamite bag
5.supply of miner's candles
6.mining prospectus
7.mining maps showing claims - Map 1, colored according to original;
8.lease agreements
9.necessary government forms for making annual returns
To name a few. It would be interesting to illustrate the inter - relationships between certain companies and development in the province .
In addition, the needs of a 19th century mill would have to be considered access to water supply to facilitate the milling operation; solid bedrock foundation for the mortar block of the mill; sufficient space for a tailing dump, at a level great enough so that the tailings could virtually flow out into the dump by means of gravity rather than by hoisting them out. The feasibility of reconstructing a gold mine shaft, considered carefully.
Rather than reconstructing a gold mine shaft, consideration should be given to using the Hirschfirld prospecting tunnel . This tunnel demonstrates the skill and tenacity of the hard rock miners and it was completely done by hand. Models and photographs could be used to illustrate the system of underground mining that was developed within the province during the 1890s phase.
The Artifacts
Artifacts in the Collection At Kalana Village
(It is questionable if all the parts are operational); used at gold discovered surface.
1. portable steam boiler,
2. upright boiler,
3. hoisting device,
4. hoisting bucket;
5. small stone jaw crusher,
6. stamp mill model
7. mining canister for gunpowder It is claimed that the canister contained the gunpowder with which to be first shot to extract hold from his claim at Tangier, 1861.
8. candle holder or candle hook, wrought iron; used by gold miners underground,
Additional Requirements (A Partial List)
Stamp Mill
*driving belts
*ore bins
*ore skip or tramcar to haul ore into the mill
*kerosene lamps for lighting the mill
*amalgam table(s)
*concentrating equipment - either Wilfley table or frue vanner or blanket system
*mercury containers
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